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Having previously only dabbled with various compact cameras and disposable ones, I started to take photography more seriously a few years ago.

Photography covers many areas and I admire the creativity, skill, perseverance and knowledge that goes into the making of the finished image.

After trying interior, small product and portrait photography I felt more at home in the countryside or on top of a hill admiring the views around me.

Having a camera in my hand combines both enjoyment and frustration into one.

The enjoyment of being outdoors and seeing the nature around me, coupled with the frustration of finding that the light you were looking for does not happen, the weather turns from sunlight into torrential rain or that scene you had pictured in your head is not what you see when you are there - but I love it.

Working full time does limit the amount of time I can spend with the camera, though I never tire of it.

I hope you enjoy the displayed images as much as i have enjoyed taking them.

Thank you for your time.


Robin Maguire